News — Antioxidants

Lightening's story


Lightening's story

I thought over the next few months I would introduce our herd one at a time, seeing that they are the reason that we came into owning Naturally Animals! I was introduced to NA by James French over 10 years ago when I was attending one of his Animal Communication courses. I remember Rosehip Shells being a huge hit with one of the horses he was working with and being totally blown away that a horse new exactly how much he needed and what to select. I was intrigued and I was hooked to learn more.  The moment we got...

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Supporting our animals with Natures plants

Posted by Jack Lander on

Supporting our animals with Natures plants

As we know an animals natural environment is rich in diversity, nutrients, vitamins and food. In the wild they are self selecting, moving along hedgerows and pastures to satisfy their bodies needs and to maintain a natural healing state of balance. It is rare to be able to offer our domesticated animals this freedom and choice but we can support and continue to support them with a wide range of herbs, oils and supplements.  Life with our herd, dogs, cats and hens. Our herd has been suffering with a mix of rain scold and rubbing. We cannot see any mites but...

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